This could be you too…

Have you ever intended to do something, or to follow through when there was an opportunity, and then got busy with life? You intended to “get to it” and life distracted you until it was too late?

This has happened to me many times! We all have a lot going on, and a lot of things demanding our attention. We understand this.

In case you wanted to take advantage of our special 30% off offers, we’re in our final hours until it ends.

If the timing isn’t right for you, or the desire isn’t there, that’s fine. We’re not here to push.

We’re here for you when the time is right and aligned for you.

But we wanted to remind you just in case “LIFE” has come in and kept you busy elsewhere. Our Spontaneous Summer Sale will be ending by the end of today.

Click on the button below to connect with the special offer for our sessions and some of our courses.

Wising You all the Best,
Paul & Holly

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