This is a very rare time with the Summer Solstice happening right next to the Strawberry Full Moon!
The energies are ripe with possibility & potential for all of us. This only adds to the powerful energetic portals of 2024.
Summer Solstice (June 20, 2024), marking a midway point in our year, is a time of illumination, growth, and transformation.
The Strawberry Full Moon (June 21, 2024) is a time of clarity, completion, and celebration, and since this full moon falls in Capricorn it brings grounding and practical energies to the forefront.
When we look at these energies together we see we’re in a portal that supports us connecting with the grounded and practical ways we can bring about growth & transformation to our lives. I LOVE this confluence of energetic potential for all of us!
What can you do to harness this potential?
- Gratitude Ritual: with the Solstice energies in support of illuminating our Light, take time to really dip into gratitude for who you are, how far you’ve come and who you are becoming. Celebrate yourself on every level: mind, body & soul, including your worldly advancements & achievements.
You can anchor this even more by taking a walk in nature (very grounding and aligned with the full moon energies), gathering things you find along the way (flowers, pine cones, shells, leaves, etc) and then returning to your sacred space. Create a mandala, or place them on your altar, giving thanks for the abundance in your life and the blessings you’ve received. - Shadow Work: The added light of the longest day of the year is shedding light on our path and offering clarity on our life purpose and spiritual journey. This light can reveal and help us resolve our inner shadows, allowing for deeper self-awareness and transformation.
You can sit quietly and open your Akashic Records, or tune into your Spirit Guides and ask them to illuminate any areas of shadow that you might not be aware of yet. Breathe fully and in a relaxed way as you do this to keep your energy field open.
With the support of your guides, ask for a pathway you can take to resolve or heal these older energies.
Let your emotions come up and release them with the support of the full moon energies. - Candle Ceremony or Bonfire: If you have the space, gather around a bonfire with friends or loved ones. If not, a simple candle will do. Light the fire or candle with intention, symbolizing the sun’s energy and the light within you.
Write down anything you wish to release on small pieces of paper, and then safely burn them in the fire or candle flame. Afterward, write down your intentions and aspirations for the coming season and keep them close by to be your constant reminder and point of focus this season.
IMPORTANT: Write your intentions & aspirations out in the positive and in the NOW for maximum impact!
Which ones of these resonate with you most?
Holly Hawkins is in her 14th year passionately working, on a professional level, in the Akashic Records. She has taught spiritually striving individuals from all over the globe to access their own Akashic Records, as well as facilitated thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks of life.
Holly’s courses are offered in a safe, compassionate & supportive environment with plenty of time to digest, ask questions and receive guidance throughout. She knows that it is everyone’s birthright to access their Akashic Records if it is the right time for them personally. She is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in this sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimension.
It is her JOY to celebrate each and every person who attends her classes, or comes for a 1:1 session, as they step into alignment with the deep Soul Wisdom that is flowing through them and live in deeper alignment with it.
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