Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year, marks a powerful turning point in the Earth’s cycle. It’s a time of stillness, reflection, and deep connection to the rhythms of nature. Across cultures and traditions, this sacred day has been celebrated as a time to honor the return of the light. After the Winter Solstice, each day moving forward grows brighter and longer. This beautiful time invites us to pause, release what no longer serves us, and embrace the promise of renewal and hope. By honoring this time with intentional practices, we align with the energy of transformation. Then we create space for inner light and growth as we journey into the months ahead.
I’d love to share five inspired moments you can incorporate into this time of year.
1. Create a Winter Solstice Ritual
I love rituals because they set a sacred energetic stage for transformation… and who doesn’t love the energy of a space or room lit only with the glow candlelight?
Set aside time to honor the longest night of the year with an intentional ritual. Light candles, or a fire, to symbolize the return of the sun and the growing light. Begin with a few moments of meditation or reflection. Focus on releasing the past year’s challenges and welcome the energy of renewal. You might include journaling, setting intentions for the months ahead, and working with your favorite energy tools.
BONUS: Burn your favorite incense or diffuse essential oils to up-level your sensory experience! One of my favorite incense for this is copal.
2. Connect with Nature
Despite the cold (if you’re in a colder area of the world!), bundle up and spend time outdoors. Walk mindfully in a natural setting, appreciating the stillness of winter. Notice the trees without their leaves. Observe how nature is at rest. Reflect on how you can embrace rest and introspection. Bring a small offering to honor the Earth—like sprinkling birdseed or placing a biodegradable token of gratitude.
BONUS: Take a few mindful moments to sit, listen to all the sounds of the natural world (more will come to your awareness the longer you sit). Do some deep clearing breaths envisioning what you are releasing on your out breath, and what you are welcoming in on your in breath.
3. Engage with the Energy of Reflection
The solstice is a natural pause in the rhythm of the year. It truly is perfect for reflecting on your personal journey. Spend time journaling about your growth, lessons learned, and areas where you seek to expand. I love to do this type of reflection in my Akashic Records which take me deeper into alignment with my Soul, especially my Future Potential.
BONUS: If you do your reflection in your Akashic Records, take some time to truly activate your emotional body with the gratitude for what has transpired during the year, how you’ve grown & changed even in the challenging times. Don’t forget to ask for a word, image or inspiration that anchors in your alignment with the New Year.
4. Offer Gratitude and Set Intentions
Create a sacred gratitude practice. Write down or speak aloud what you are thankful for, focusing on the blessings of the past year. Follow this by crafting clear intentions for the new cycle, writing them on paper and placing them on an altar or sacred space. This can be tied into some of the other suggestions here in the blog or done separately.
BONUS: Once you have your intentions and visions for the new cycle, create a constant reminder of that vision with a vision board or craft a set of affirmations that you can repeat and align with on a consistent basis.
5. Work with Crystals and Sacred Symbols
Select crystals that resonate with the themes of the winter solstice, such as:
- clear quartz for clarity
- citrine for light and abundance
- smoky quartz for grounding and releasing.
Have these stones with you, create a simple crystal grid or meditate with these stones to align with the energies of renewal and light returning. You can also incorporate sacred symbols like the Flower of Life, Metatron’s cube, or a spiral to deepen the connection to this powerful time.
BONUS: If you make a crystal grid, you can choose a symbol from sacred geometry to be the template that your crystals are on.
Holly Hawkins is a conscious channel and in her 14th year passionately working in the Akashic Records. She’s taught spiritually striving individuals from across the globe to access their own Akashic Records, learn to channel and use the Universal Sphere®. She’s thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks of life.
Holly’s courses are offered in a safe, compassionate & supportive environment with plenty of time to digest, ask questions and receive guidance throughout. She knows that it is everyone’s birthright to access their Akashic Records, and to harnes their innate potential, if it is the right time for them personally. She is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in this sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimension.
It is her JOY to celebrate each and every person who attends her classes, or comes for a 1:1 session, as they step into alignment with the deep Soul Wisdom that is flowing through them and live in deeper alignment with it.
Connect with the 1:1 Sessions & Events Holly Offers by clicking here