The Art of Channeling with the High Council of Orion

Yes, you can channel! You have what it takes and you can cultivate the Art of Channeling!


Channeling is a natural ability we’re all born with, yet it’s an ability that is not classically nurtured in our society at this time. The consequence of this is that this natural ability goes dormant at an early age.

The result of this is that people feel they “can’t channel” or that they “don’t have what it takes” or “are not spiritually special” enough to channel.

If you have a desire to channel, you CAN channel! Your dormant capacities simply need to be woken up and exercised for you to fulfill that desire.


For the past 12+ years I’ve been a conscious channel for the High Council of Orion. They are here to guide and support our Ascension and my life is not the same because of my deep connection with them.

In fact, it was the High Council of Orion, letting me know that they wish to support the reawakening of the Art of Channeling to Humanity through the creation of this course!

We’ve collaborated in all the material presented in this course and in each of the exercises you’ll practice. Their words and energies are imbued in every aspect of this course, and you’ll hear from them directly during the course as well.

What You’ll Learn & Experience in this 8-Hour Course

  • The Multi-faceted Benefits of Opening to Channeling
  • How Channeling is Wired into All of Us from the Beginning
  • How to Confidently Open to Channel any Source You’re Aligned with
  • The Many Ways to Receive Messages
  • Optimization of Your Channeled Experiences, including the creation of a sacred container for channeling
  • Guided Practice Sessions: on your own and in paired experiences
  • Ways to Use the Channeled Material You Receive
  • Channeled Guidance, through Holly, from the High Council of Orion
  • Time for Group Interaction via
    • Q & A Time
    • Group Sharing
    • Practice Sessions

This course is for you if:

  • You feel called to channel wisdom and energies from Higher Dimensional Realms
  • You know that there is a vast amount of information in the Universe that can enhance your life and your Awakening
  • You wish to feel more connected to the totality of your innate gifts
  • You know that your connection to The Field is a natural aspect of who you are
  • You wish to expand your gifts in support of yourself and others
  • You know you’re here to support the Awakening/Ascension
  • You feel a connection to the Higher Dimensions and wish to more consciously and intentionally interact and receive from those levels

Dates & Times

  • Thursdays, February 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2024
  • 8:30 – 10:30 pm EST
  • Zoom Link will be sent upon registration

This course will be recorded and access will be provided to all who register.

Early Bird PRICING EXTENDED: $399 USD (10% discount)
Payment Plans Available


Option 1: Pay in Full $399

Option 2: 2 Payments of $222

Holly HawkinsYour Instructor & Guide:

Your instructor, and guide, is Holly Hawkins. Holly is in her 14th year sharing as a conscious channel. She’s guided spiritually striving individuals from all over the globe to channel in a multitude of ways including accessing their own Akashic Records (a form of conscious channeling),  channeling wisdom from the Higher Realms, as well as facilitated thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks
of life.

Holly’s courses are offered in a safe, compassionate & supportive environment with plenty of time to digest, ask questions and receive guidance throughout. She knows that everyone holds the innate ability to tap into Universal Wisdom via channeling to enhance their own lives and to share that with others, if called to do so.  Holly is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in these sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimensions.

It is her JOY to celebrate each and every person who attends her classes, or comes for a 1:1 session, as they step into alignment with the deep Soul Wisdom that is flowing through them and live in deeper alignment with it.


The Art of Channeling


Feb 08 - 29 2024


8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
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