Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.



SELF LOVE is the cornerstone of all the love you have the potential to experience. Without self-love, no other love is truly possible. You and your energies are the center-point of your vibrational field that calls in all your experiences. So, with the energy of

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Akashic Records

Akashic Records Certification Courses Inquiring Minds are Asking…..What Akashic Records Certification courses do you teach and how do I know which one to take? Wonder no more! I offer three separate Akashic Records Certification Courses. Each one is a powerful, inspiring dive into the Akashic Records. Please watch

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Akashic Records

Sitting with DISCOMFORT

As an active seeker of a better, more aligned, life what do you do when “IT” sneaks in. You know what I mean? “The” feelings The feelings that show up like doubt, insecurity, or the little voice that whispers nuggets quietly in your ear: “No

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Akashic Records


CHOOSE YOUR LIFE! ALL. OF. IT. On the 1st January, while in my Akashic Records, I asked the Masters, Teachers & Loved Ones what a good focus is for 2019. I asked what I could know that would support me in living and experiencing a

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Flash Sale

FLASH SALE Yes today is the last day of our Flash Sale.Jump in quick before these incredible savings disappear at midnight tonight” Take advantage of our Flash Sale before it ends tomorrow August 22nd. Akashic Records Courses in Edmonton:Register for one or more of the

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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