Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.



Ishtara – Fulfill Your Inner Desires Please click on the video above to watch it. In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara. Fulfill Your Inner Desires “Greetings Great Beings of Light. My name is Ishtara. Trust your desires. Trust what it is that you feel drawn to do, become

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Ishtara – Making Profound Personal Change In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara and talks about how to use your energy to make profound personal change. In this time of change and concern, you may be feeling stuck and wondering whats my role in this change? She explains a

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Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere® Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere®(Channeled transcript from the video above.)Channeled by Holly Hawkins MarwoodTranscribed by Paul Marwood Greetings, great beings of light. My name is Ishtara.Let’s talk today about the potential with the Universal Sphere®. For as you embody the energies

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Akashic Records

A Message from the Akash – Victory Please click on the video above to watch it. In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels a message from the Akashic Records. This 2.5 minute message gives you the tools to use the “Victory” affirmation to help you in many areas fo your life.

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Ishtara- Making Profound Personal Change Please click on the video above to watch it.In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara and talks about how to use your energy to make profound personal change. In this time of change and concern, you may be feeling stuck and wondering whats

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Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere® Ishtara – The Potential with the Universal Sphere®(Channeled transcript from the video above.)Channeled by Holly Hawkins MarwoodTranscribed by Paul Marwood Greetings, great beings of light. My name is Ishtara.Let’s talk today about the potential with the Universal Sphere®. For as you embody the energies

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Universal Sphere®

The Universal Sphere – Solutions in your life. In this video Paul Marwood interviews Holly Hawkins Marwood where she shares how the Universal Sphere® as being a major tool in her daily life. She talks about Solution energy and how this can help us bring new solutions to those problems we don’t

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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