Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.



Annual Holiday Sale Happening Now! It’s time for our Annual Holiday Sale! Every holiday season we love to give back to all of you by dropping our prices so you can stock up and gift these sessions and experiences to all your loved ones, including yourself. What’s on sale?

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Living Beyond 3D!

This is the first of three channelings from Ishtara (channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood), where she gives some really new concepts in living beyond 3D while still remaining physical. Ishtara consistently provides incredible teachings that reframe our perception of our world in very loving and

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Soul Activations

11 Benefits of the Universal Sphere®

Connect with your Highest Potential through theUnified Field Manifest your life with greater Ease & Grace Live beyond the limitations of Duality Instill hope to live the life you dream about Feel empowered as you release patterns offeeling victimized Feel that you are a conscious

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Akashic Records

Why We Heal in Layers

I recently received a wonderful message in my Akashic Records when I asked about why we need to heal in layers! I bet you have wondered the same thing: why do we need to keep peeling the onion and why can’t we just get to

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Akashic Records

Embody Self-Love in the Akashic Records

Let’s continue the conversation about cultivating self-love. If you missed my first blog about self-love you can connect with it here, however, please continue reading and jump back to it if you wish. You don’t need to have that information first! IT IS ELUSIVE The

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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