Sacred Crystal Bowl Toning with the Angels


Take a break from the stresses and concerns of your life with the synergy of the sacred sounds of the crystal bowls, chanting, and the Angelic Realm.
As you listen and chant the sounds and vibrations emanating from the crystal bowls allow you to re-tune your body to the frequencies of your heart and 3rd eye and tune in to the Angelic Realm.


Immerse yourself in the sounds & vibrations specifically designed to allow a greater heart-level connection through your interaction with the Angelic Realm. Connect in with the suppoert from the Angelic Realm that’s always available to you … all you need to do is to ask!

Listen to the toning track three times in a row, if time allows. Chanting along with the CD magnifies and deepens the experience for everyone. The positive effects of working with this attunement seem to increase over time, with repeated and continual use.


Play this, on repeat, in your home, your office, or quietly in your bedroom at night to infuse your space with these frequencies!


Available on streaming platforms, also contains a guided meditation from Archangel Chamuel, channeled through Holly Hawkins.





I’d love to hear your experiences as you work with these beautiful vibrations and sounds! You can post your comments below




Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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