11 Benefits of the Universal Sphere®

  • Connect with your Highest Potential through the
    Unified Field
  • Manifest your life with greater Ease & Grace
  • Live beyond the limitations of Duality
  • Instill hope to live the life you dream about
  • Feel empowered as you release patterns of
    feeling victimized
  • Feel that you are a conscious co-creator of your
  • Shifts your perceptions & expectations of “reality”
  • Opens your intuitive capacities
  • Connection & communication with your Higher
  • Live your Highest Potential
  • See & live your connection with the world around you

Learn more about the Universal Sphere® by clicking here.

Book your personal 1:1 Universal Sphere sessions here.

Holly Hawkins Marwood is a Co-Founder of the Universal Sphere® which is being taught around the world, changing people’s lives! She is the conscious channel for Ishtara who lovingly brought this to the world, through here, in 2011. Since then she and her husband, Paul, have been offering personal 1:1 sessions of the Universal Sphere® as well as teaching people all over the world to do the Universal Sphere for themselves, their family & friends and their clients!

Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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