Emotional and Personal Guidance in these COVID times

Dear Beloved Friends,

Holly and I are blessed with access to the great wisdom and guidance from the High Council of Orion, for all matters, both personal, business, worldly, and most importantly spiritual.

Their guidance is always simple, practical and extremely wise.

Here is a series of 4 channeled messages (Video) where they share loving guidance to help you be in your best support of yourself, emotionally, spiritually and physically, in these changing times.

I encourage you to listen carefully and understand the deeper yet simple advice in these teachings, that when applied makes a huge improvement in your mental and emotional wellbeing. Feel the love, codes and energetic energy that is being transmitted through these messages, to help elevate you, raise your consciousness and elevate your sense of being.

When you watch these, take notes of the practical advice the High Council of Orion gives you.
Please hit the Subscribe button in the bottom right of the video and then click the bell to be notified when we post future channeled messages.

Love and Ascension Blessings
The High Council of Orion, Holly and Paul.

Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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