Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.


Universal Sphere®

Creepy Feelings Be Gone!

We’ve all experienced this….walking into someone’s home, business, or even a public place and you just. feel. uncomfortable. You have no idea what it is, but you don’t want to stay so you look for a way to get out of there (politely) as soon

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Ishtara – What a Glorious Moment This Is! In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels Ishtara. Ishtara talks about how to change your perception and energy of those moments when you are stuck in traffic, having a challenging time, etc. This helps your mental health, physical health, and changes how you perceive

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Expect Easy

Implement the energy of “Expect Easy” and see the changes that will ripple through your life! Remember the Staples ad from years ago with the big red button and someone saying “That was easy!”? It was a powerful ad campaign and many people used that

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Ishtara – How to Release Regret Now

This is a powerful two-part message from Ishtara regarding our relationship with regret. If you have any regrets in your life, then you need to listen to this. “That makes sense from where you are, because that other pathway, as soon as you took

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Ishtara – Duality and help with Personal Growth

Do you want some help with personal growth? In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood is channeling Ishtara, a multi-dimensional being. Ishtara talks about: Us living in a Polarized Dimension What is so beautiful about experiencing a polarized dimension? How Duality catalyzes change and growth

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Expansion as a Transformation Tool

Welcome to today’s Monday Messages from the Akashic, channeled by Holly for all of you. “Look for, consider, open to what is expansive in every moment, thought, choice, decision and experience. What choice feels expansive? What energy feels expansive? What idea feels expansive? Expanding awareness

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Akashic Records

Trust Expands

Welcome to today’s Monday Messages from the Akash, channeled by Holly for all of you. “Today, in this moment, you are invited to open your heart and awareness to the expansion of Trust. Invite the energy of Trust to flow into every aspect of your

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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