Healing From The Old and Moving to a New and Better Life

Leading Up to the Change

CMA Staff together in Perth

For 17 years I was the owner of my own successful Control System Engineering Company, based in Perth, Western Australia. I had the most amazing, dedicated and talented staff. We were all doing what we loved, and we were good at it. However after twelve years of doing this, my enthusiasm began to wane. But when the company was going so well, I had resistance to change. I had fear of the unknown. What was I going to do? What did I feel called to do? No answer.. No enthusiasm… No direction….

Healing from the Old

Then, while driving to work one day, I heard Eric Pearl being interviewed. I was drawn to what this man had to say. So much so that I listened to the same interview five times that week! Previously my opinion was “Energy Healing” is a load of “Airy Fairy Hogwash”. None-the-less, I did some research, called nine local Reconnective Healing Practitioners (to be completely sure, of course), and got rave reviews from every one of them. Hmmmm!!. So I booked two Reconnective Healing sessions and The Reconnection with Georgia Sheehan, a local Reconnective Healing practitioner. From this single set of events, I rapidly gained a level of peace and clarity within, which I had never experienced before. The result of this was that I was gaining understanding of who I was, making time to get in touch with myself, feeling and noting what I liked and didn’t like. I was becoming clear that I had completed my time and experiences as an engineer by tuning in to what sparked my interest, what made me happy again, and what I felt drawn to.

Moving to the New

With this subtle, yet powerful, new change in my perspective, I was able to finally see what I wanted to do. Paul & HollyTwo weeks later I attended the Level I, II & III Reconnective Healing Training Seminars in Auckland, New Zealand. Two months later, I sold my engineering company and became a full time Reconnective Healing Practitioner. Every day I was amazed as my doubting mind saw healing after healing, in its many different forms. My “Spark” and enthusiasm returned. I loved what I was doing. I loved that I had some part in improving someone’s life. Everything in my life started to fall perfectly into place. All the dots began to join up! I met and instantly fell in love with the most amazing woman of my dreams, my True Soul mate. Shortly after immigrated to California to marry and live with Holly, and am now living a life that just keeps getting better and better, with new and “WOW!!” experiences almost every day.

The Reconnection

I am proud to say with 100% certainty that the Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection I received, brought me to the fullness of who I am at this moment; enabling me to see with new clarity, and to make amazing changes in my life, clarity to understand “I take full responsibility of my life”, and if I don’t like it, then find out what makes me happy and allow my inner guidance, my Soul, to guide me to what I am supposed to do in this lifetime. I love my life more and more every day! I mean this sincerely and if you feel that you are at “the end of a line” in your life, or simply want to come into your fullness a little more, I recommend receiving Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection. Call me on +1 760 803 2338    I would love to answer any of your queries if you feel drawn to this.
Love and blessings

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