Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.


What’s Up with YOU?

The Akashic Records are a Soul-level resource, so many people like to ask about their Soul’s purpose, their Life Lessons, Mission: very  lofty, esoteric questions. These questions are fine, but…… What Keeps Happening? How is your human life going? What is puzzling you? What keeps

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Fall in Love…..with Yourself!

Love as a Constant Okay, so we all know about Love.  It is one of the constants in all of our lives one way or another.  We are always “verbing” about Love: wanting, longing, wishing, regretting, hating, missing, pining, dreaming…… You get the picture. Striving

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Where is the Love You Seek?

Love What a charged up word, right? We are always doing something with and for LOVE.. • Searching               • Hoping • Finding                   • Losing • Wishing                  • Longing • Celebrating            • Sharing • Desiring                 • Missing What Are We Longing For? The whole time

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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