Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.


Is Fido Feisty? Is Mittens Miffed?

                        Using the Universal Sphere for your Beloved Pets Not Feeling Well? Our pets are like our children. We love them, nurture them, and happily receive their unconditional love. So, when they are not feeling well, acting out, or we see a shift in their behavior

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Should I Stay? or Should I Go?

Aside from being lyrics to the 80’s hit song, these are NOT the best kinds of questions to ask in your Akashic Record Reading! Why? Because you are asking a Yes or No question! Imagine you are seeking direction for a very important aspect of

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How Was It For You?…….

or….. How the 111™ Activation Changed My Life Alignment. Authenticity. “Light Vehicle of Transformation” What kind of descriptions are those and what do they mean?  These words, and many more, are used to describe what the 111 Activation can potentially do for you. They sound

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Are You the Pinball Wizard of Your Life?

The Wild Game of Pinball Remember the old-fashioned pinball games?  Lights flashing, sounds popping, buzzers buzzing, numbers racing by, and the little silver metal balls bouncing around, seemingly randomly, as you wildly push the buttons on the sides of the machine hoping to keep them

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Akashic Records 101

Database of Knowledge The Akashic Records are the database of all the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over our many lifetimes. They allow each and every one of us to find answers, release long held wounds, heal on all levels, and move forward to

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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