Being Seen for Spiritual Business Owners the years, in working with many lightworkers, energy workers, healers & coaches I’ve heard time and time again that they have a deep fear of being seen.  What this translates to is a fear, worry or concern about what others might think, how they might react and the consequences of that.


Some of us have this because we’re the outlier in our family or social group.  We feel that we are the “different” one, the black sheep or the one who thinks differently from the group.


Some of us have this fear because of things that have happened in prior lifetimes: where we might have experienced some dire consequences about being different. Historically, there have been times (and they still exist on the planet now) that it was downright dangerous to be outside of the box!  In terms of our soul’s history, this energy we hold could make a lot of sense.


The trouble with these energies for the passionate, aspiring lightworker, or energy healer is that you will always feel in a tug-of-war with what you feel you are here to do and the fear holding you back.

To put it mildly, this will keep you stuck and never satisfied.


Some of you may know that you have this fear inside of you: the fear of being seen and the potential consequences.  Some of you may not be fully aware of it, but may see the evidence of it. Here are some examples, perhaps you’ve spent a lot of time and energy passionately studying & learning many different modalities. You’ve become certified to offer work to others and you are waiting: for the “right time”, waiting for your website, your brand, you’re waiting to practice more, or you’re not willing to charge for your services yet.  You’re stalled hoping to feel more confident in what you are here to offer or you’re completely mystified about how to bring in clients, you hate the idea of “marketing”, and are not sure you know how to even begin.

There is a lot here, but let’s go back to focusing on this powerful energy of feeling unwilling to be seen or “out there” in all the ways that might be active for you.


Here are some of the initial steps ways you can move that energy:


    Recognize that your energy is not in your present moment. If you’re frightened about moving forward because of things that have happened in the past, whether it is this lifetime or past lifetimes, you’re focusing your energy on the past.

    If you’re scared about what other people will think or how they’ll respond to you doing your passionate work, your energy is being projected into the future.

    In either case, your energies are not in your present moment. Gather your energies back to your present moment by acknowledging to yourself you are in the past, future or both.  Remind yourself that your most empowered moment is this NOW MOMENT!  Center into yourself, slow your breathing down, anchor into your heart and tell yourself “I’m in this now moment”.


    The 2nd part of this is to deepen being fully present, resourced & empowered in the moment by inwardly telling yourself that you are here for you. Tell yourself “I’m here with you, you’re not alone, we’re in this together. We’ve got this.” This is deeply satisfying and relaxing when we can do this for ourselves.


    The 3rd part is for you to become aware of how you can deeply become confident in YOU, what you’re here to do and anchor that clarity within you.

    Imagine yourself confidently offering your services and sessions to others, feel yourself knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can make a positive impact in the lives of those around you. Visualize your thriving clients & customers.

    Visualize yourself as the core strength and pivot point of your success.

    When you realize that it’s okay that not everyone will resonate with us (just as we don’t resonate with everyone else), and we hold our energies confidently within, then we have less concern and even we are impacted less and less by other people’s opinions.


    Our confidence is very magnetic and aligned! Ask yourself what you can do to become unshakably confident in what you do so your confidence magnetizes success to you.


    Shift the focus to you and cultivating the energies you expect to feel when you have that thriving practice!  Focus on YOU first, activate the energies of your success even before you experience your success in the material world. That is what will bring it to you!

Play with this. Practice this and share what is shifting for you! 


Our ongoing conversation will be happening in the private community on FB called Conscious Conversations with Your Business. You can ask questions, connect with others in the community, support each other, and feel the support you are craving for your spiritual business.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE MY FREE GIFT? Three Key Energies to Amplify Your Spiritual Business? Click on this link to receive it in your inbox right away!

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Next week I’m going to be sharing about the 5 Letter word that so many have resistance to: MONEY!  It will be powerful!

Feel free to share these Wellspring messages with others!

Here’s to the success & thriving of Lightworkers across the globe! 

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