Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.


Pink Full Moon
Moon & Planetary Energies

Summer Solstice & Full Moon in Capricorn

This is a very rare time with the Summer Solstice happening right next to the Strawberry Full Moon! The energies are ripe with possibility & potential for all of us. This only adds to the powerful energetic portals of 2024. Summer Solstice (June 20, 2024),

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Angel Numbers

Let’s talk about our UNSEEN SUPPORT that is always ready, available and communicating with us…if we notice! Have you connected with angel numbers, yet? No one has to “believe” that they have guides, teachers, or a spirit team…everyone just does. They’re always working on our

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the "C" Word
Ascension Support

Let’s Talk about the “C” Word

Don’t Worry…this “C” word is not an inappropriate word at all, but it’s not a popular word…before I share this word (and energy with you) let me share this first. In order for us to make any real & lasting change in our lives we need to

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Spring Equinox Renewal

Spring Equinox Renewal

  Today is the Spring Equinox!   Today ushers in a time of renewal and rebirth. The energies offer each of us a unique and profound opportunity. This moment, when day and night balance perfectly, symbolizes the equilibrium we strive to achieve within ourselves—between light

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Highest Potential
Akashic Records

What is Your Highest Potential?

As a spiritually striving, Ascension aware Soul, I’m sure you’ve heard about your Highest Potential over and over again.  I know I have. One thing I’ve noticed is that we don’t really know what the Highest Potential is so I thought it was high time

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Personal Transformation

This could be you too…

Have you ever intended to do something, or to follow through when there was an opportunity, and then got busy with life? You intended to “get to it” and life distracted you until it was too late?

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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