Thrive in the brilliance of your heart and soul.



High Council of Orion – Trust Please click on the video above to watch it. In this video Holly Hawkins Marwood channels a message from the High Council of Orion. Below is the transcript of video above. Trust as a Pathway in your Ascension Journey Channeled Message from Ascension Guides,the

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Live in 100% of your Reality, not 1%

Live in 100% of your Reality, not 1% is a channeled message where Ishtara gives you guidance in connecting more with that other 99%. For you to see the wholeness of you as already embodying that which you desire and she helps you see yourself as a Great Being of Light.

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Success with the Akashic Records
Akashic Records

5 Success Tips When You’re New to the Akashic Records

Stuck feeling unsuccessful with the Akashic Records?

Were you excited about the potential of what you would do with the Akashic Records and now feel as if you are never going to “get it”?

Here are 5 of the best and easiest tips to help you build your Akashic Muscles (as I call them) quickly and easily. What’s the result? You’ll feel clear, empowered and able to read the Akashic Records in whatever way you wish!

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Align To Your Highest Potential with a Guided Meditation

Access this Guided Meditation to bring you into the dimension of your Akashic Records and guided to connect with the vibration of your Highest Potential.

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